Vitro, Casos clínicos e Artigos - Odontologia

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2 resultados encontrados

In Vivo And In Vitro Biocompatibility Study Of Nanostructured Carbonateapatite

Por Gustavo Fernandes

BARROS, E. ; ALVARENGA, J. ; Alves GG ; CANABARRO, B. ; Fernandes GVO ; ROSSI, A. M. ; GRANJEIRO, J. M. ; Calasans-Maia, M. D. . In vivo and in vitro biocompatibility study of nanostructured carbonateapatite. Key Engineering Materials, v. 493, p. 247-251, 2012.

Artigo, 11 anos

Cytocompatibility And Structural Arrangement Of The Collagen Fibers: An In Vitro And In Vivo Evaluation Of 5% Zinc Containing Hydroxyapatite

Por Gustavo Fernandes

Fernandes GVO ; CORTES, J. A. ; Melo, B. R. ; ROSSI, A. M. ; GRANJEIRO, J. M. ; CALASANS-MAIA, M. D. ; Alves GG . Cytocompatibility and Structural Arrangement of the Collagen Fibers: an in vitro and in vivo Evaluation of 5% zinc Containing Hydroxyapatite Granules. Key Engineering Materials, v. 493, ...

Artigo, 11 anos